Friday, February 09, 2018

Innovate and Ring out the old, Ring in the new...

Isn’t it amazing that the quote by Alfred Tennyson almost a century and a half ago in 1850 is just as valid today for Innovation!!!
As we enter the last week of the Amdocs Lifehacks Blogging Competition, let’s take a moment to retrospect on what we have done and achieved.
Of course, innovating things gives us a lot of moments to be considered achievement,
In addition, I would like you to introspect as well on the personal front…
Way Forward:
Let’s Try creating something new, learn new language, and learn musical instrument or even a professional course.
Let’s try to move out of our cozy confined zones and go out in to explore our passions for new creations.
Be it innovations at Movie, Home, vacation and Work.
And just like every constraints, this constraint is meant to be broken too.
However, let’s make the most of the constraint and break free from some of our very mundane tasks by Innovative ways

Let’s continue the momentum generated in the last weeks and carry it forward to the future weeks too. I resolve to blog atleast once in 2 weeks. I also resolve to identify possible process inefficiencies in my area and try innovate ways to fix it..
What do you Intend to do?
Suggest your steps in the comments below..
Also in a Deeper Sense:
All the stanzas of Al­fred Ten­ny­son had Ring out, Ring in except this…
Feel free to ponder and maybe take it as Way Forward for Innovation…
Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.
~~ Sanjay Ishwarlal Upadhyay