Friday, August 02, 2013

Reporting Code and its Human traits: CDU perspective

Reporting Code and its Human traits: CDU perspective

You have enjoyed the CC Perspective in my last Blog,

Having seen both sides of the coin, this is the CDU perspective :-)

Any resemblance to CCs you have worked in is purely imaginary :-D

“It takes Eons to create a Reporting Code; But just seconds to use it”

Many of us in the CDU would concur with the above, considering the amount of time we spend controlling the RC and hence the profitability,

The time spent by me last week to correct the incorrect RC usage projections, instigated inside me the resentment that I decided to put the form of this article. I hope you’ll enjoy the read.

Depending upon the type of competencies (CCs) and applications we deal with, I have classified the applications on their human traits on RC consumption.

Please note that any resemblance to competencies/applications and people is purely coincidental.  :-D

The Perfectionist:

Very few mature applications fall under this category.  Known for their systematic way of working, the planning and HRMS update for the application is done months in advance. The reporting codes are also requested weeks before the actual work starts. They are the best when it comes to reporting codes.

The Confused:

The new PMO procedure of restricting RCs by name have made many applications fall under this category.  It is like shooting in the dark for them as they are not able to identify exactly for whom all the RC needs to be opened. However, the PMOs are really nice and they know the issue they face and change names as requested. In most cases, the final list of people using the RC does not have even a single name from the initial list J

The Chronic Over shooters:

This elite title goes to the support groups. The people in this group seem have this never ending habit of over-shooting RCs for all their tasks. And the request for RC comes a week before dead-line and the CDM has no option but to give-in on their demands

The Self Deciders:

The name says it all. These new applications will put people for support tasks on what they feel is correct, irrespective of what the account has requested from them. The very new set of applications in Amdocs belongs to this category. I’m sure you will be able to point out some in your projects too ;-)

Selective Amnesiacs:

Sadly we find this type of applications too. They forget that they needed the RC for the task when done and come later. Sometimes the request after the P&L of the version is closed and 2nd version is about to enter UAT. Later ensues a fierce fight to get their things done.

The Penny Pinchers:

These applications would not even lift up a pen if you do not give them RC. Every little task is accounted for and the request for a 30 minutes status call once a week is also followed with a RC mail.

The Noble Ones:

They are my personal favorites. The RC is open all year round,, however, these very rare breeds of applications, use exactly the amount of RC they need. Till now, I have known only one application group, the technical writers who belong to this category. (If you know more let me know too)

We all have gone thru’ the pain for reporting code, so

·         Let’s ask applications to report as soon as they have the RC, esp. when it’s for past weeks


·         Never miss a chance to remind them of RC closure dates

Seeing the points above, you would feel that I’m suggesting that you become an “Opportunist”. Well when it comes to RC and profitability I see no vices in becoming an Opportunist ;-)

In real life, is it good to be an “Opportunist” too? Why not? 

Seems like a good topic to ponder on. Maybe next time … Maybe I’ll write about it when I get an opportunity on some lazy Rainy Day

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